Matrix Game Theory

4 minute read

Matrix Game: Two players, each makes a choice secretly and play simutaneously. And there is payoff.

Bit Hacks

2 minute read

Find the minimum r of two integers x and y

Fibonacci Heap

5 minute read

Some Notes about Fibonacci Heaps

Operating System Virtualization

34 minute read

These notes will attempt to describe how operating systems virtualization (henceforth to be termed ``virtualization’’) is implemented. There are essentially ...

SDN Introduction

10 minute read

Software Defined Networking and The Cloud

File System

7 minute read

The Unix File System

Memory Management

46 minute read

This lecture will attempt to cover the various concepts that are important to the memory management functions that most operating systems must perform.


17 minute read

The Kthreads Library


20 minute read


First post

less than 1 minute read

First post haha nima